

  • 开始时间:2020-11-17 09:00:00
  • 活动地点:腾讯会议:180229657
  • 主讲人:陶向明


Although tolerating failure has been regarded as an essential part of the innovation process, much less is known about how failure normalization can drive innovation. We argue that failure normalization facilitates innovation by encouraging learning from failure, which, in turn, depends on individual motivation. Using survey data from new product development project (NPD) leaders, we find that learning from failure mediates the relationship between failure normalization and new product innovation. However, learning from failures following failure normalization is conditional on entrepreneurial passion. Our results suggest that the path from failure normalization to innovation in the NPD process requires a much more nuanced examination of not only the mediating role of learning from failure but also entrepreneurial passion, which functions as a motivational on-off switch for learning from failure.


陶向明博士毕业于伦敦大学皇家霍洛威学院,是华威大学商学院访问学者,及英国高等教育学会助理研究员。研究方向为创新与创业管理,曾主持国家留学基金委资助课题,并参与多项国家自然科学基金委课题。已在Technological Foresting and Social Change、管理科学学报、管理工程学报等期刊发表十余篇论文,并受邀在AOM、BCERC等国际会议宣读多篇工作论文。曾获全国百篇优秀管理案例、研究与发展管理期刊年度优秀论文、挑战杯国际专项赛一等奖等学术奖项,以及Chinese Student Award、Santander Research Travel Award、国家奖学金、上海市优秀毕业生、上海大学校长奖学金等殊荣。