

  • 开始时间:2019-11-13 10:00:00
  • 活动地点:2号实验楼313室
  • 主讲人:Jan Erik Vinnem


The lecture takes it starting point from some of the challenges and provides a brief history of the use of risk-informed management of major hazard risks in worldwide offshore petroleum sector. Some of the main trends over the last 40 years are outlined, and the main characteristics of the risk-informed goal-setting regulative regime are discussed in a lifecycle perspective. Ethics in risk assessment is introduced and modelling principles and challenges are outlined. The use of risk assessment in order to avoid major accidents like the Macondo blowout is discussed, followed by a brief outline of barrier management, including the use of dynamically positioned vessels. Finally, some of the challenges for future production concepts are outlined, followed by a brief summary of conclusions.


挪威,船舶与海洋工程,海洋工程风险分析 Jan Erik Vinnem教授是挪威皇家技术(科学)院院士,国际离岸风险工程学科创始人、奠基人与学科前沿开拓者之一,欧洲安全与可靠性协会(ESRA)发起人,三届(1998、2007、2018)欧洲安全与可靠性会议(ESREL)大会主席,国际著名安全科技公司SAFETEC创始人、总裁兼董事会主席,在离岸风险工程领域从事高等教育、科研及产业化工作40余年,主持大型离岸风险评估项目30余项,主持起草ISO国际风险管理标准2部、挪威国家风险管理标准和指南2部,发表学术论文150余篇,出版学术专著4部,多次受邀为丹麦、葡萄牙、巴西、印度、俄罗斯和中国等国家石油公司进行专题技术培训。