Towards complete and consistent 2nd order wave-str


  • 开始时间:2021-05-21 15:30
  • 活动地点:腾讯会议:68179749019
  • 主讲人:邵炎林


Linear and 2nd order theories, which are being widely applied in marine hydrodynamics, are not always mathematically consistent or applicable in practice. In this talk, we discuss the challenges in the conventional seakeeping models concerning large horizontal motions and higher derivatives in body boundary conditions, followed by an introduction of a more consistent formulation in the body-fixed coordinate system. As important elements of the numerical implementation, a new class of explicit timeintegration schemes for convection equations, together with a new set of optimized weighted least-squares (WLS) filters, will be presented. Practical examples of the KVLCC2 ship and a spar floating offshore wind turbine (FOWT) will be given to demonstrate the advantage of using a consistent formulation。


邵炎林,丹麦技术大学副教授,北欧工科五校联盟海洋工程国际联合硕士项目 负责人,挪威科技大学访问副教授(2019)。曾先后于挪威DNV和Sevan SSP任高级 工程师(水动力与锚泊)。曾为挪威华人工程师协会创会理事、副主席。主要研究 方向为波浪与结构物的非线性作用、相关理论和计算模型的开发。重要首创贡献包 括:调和多项式格子法、非惯性坐标系下船舶耐波性数学模型等。多次受丹麦自然 科学基金(DFF-FTP1)、COWI和DNV等企业基金会资助科研项目。已发表英文学术 论文59篇,现任Journal OMAE副主编。