Construal Levels of Digital Footprints


  • 开始时间:2020-10-09 10:00:00
  • 活动地点:腾讯会议
  • 主讲人:黄鹂强


Managers and researchers have been keen to draw insights from mega consumer behavioral data and to apply such information when devising business practices for the new digital age. This paper coincides with this effort and conceptualizes that consumers’ digital footprints in the form of add-to-cart and place-an-order in the online shopping context are associated with different levels of construal. We conduct two experiments to validate the proposition, i.e., consumers experience a high vs. low level of mental construal of information cues when they create digital footprints through add-to-cart and place-an-order, respectively. In addition, we perform econometric analyses with a panel dataset from a large e-commerce website. The empirical evidence shows that consumers construe rating dispersion information differently when making online purchase decisions with regards to add-to-cart and place-an-order. Our paper not only provides rich theory and robust evidence to extend construal level theory into the digital realm, but also helps managers make sense of behavioral data in various virtual contexts in the post-pandemic age.


黄鹂强博士现任浙江大学副教授、博士生导师。他主要专注于数字技术驱动的管理学研究,如平台经济和平台治理、中国下沉市场创新商业模式发展等。他的学术成果曾发表于信息系统领域知名学术期刊MIS Quarterly, Journal of MIS等,应用成果得到省部级主要领导批示。他目前担任Journal of Global Information Management和Information Technology & Management副主编