王大珩讲坛70周年校庆系列讲座:First experimental tests of a new small angle slot divertor on DIII-D


  • 开始时间:网上投稿
  • 活动地点:核聚变,托卡马克,等离子体
  • 主讲人:桑超峰



A new small angle slot (SAS) divertor concept has been developed to enhance neutral cooling across the divertor target by coupling a closed slot structure with appropriate target shaping. Initial tests on DIII-D find a strong interplay between such anticipated ‘SAS’ effects and cross-field drifts. This offers the following key improvements relative to DIII-D’s open lower divertor or partially-closed upper divertor: (i) SAS allows for transition to low temperature detached divertor conditions with Te ≲ 10 eV at very low plasma densities, lower than are usually attainable at all in high confinement (H-mode) plasmas used in these tests; (ii) Pedestal performance and core confinement are significantly improved with SAS. The final confinement collapse associated with complete detachment occurs at significantly higher pedestal densities, thus widening the window of H-mode operation compatible with dissipative divertor. These results highlight the strong synergistic effect of divertor closure and drifts, and point to an interesting divertor optimization path to explore that offers potential for future fusion reactors.

报告人简介 :Houyang Guo (郭后扬)

郭后扬,男,现任美国通用原子公司/国家聚变装置DIII-D边界等离子体与材料相互作用中心主任。中国科技部磁约束核聚变专家委员会成员,EAST国际顾问委员会成员,中国科学院等离子体物理研究所美籍外聘教授,博士生导师。1993年毕业于加拿大魁北克大学获博士学位,同年在加拿大磁约束核聚变研究中心从事TdeV 托卡马克核聚变装置偏滤器中离子流的行为研究。1994年作为欧共体核聚变研究中心核心组主要成员,从事核聚变等离子体性能及其优化的研究,任“芯部等离子体性能优化”专题组物理负责人。1999年8月,任美国华盛顿大学高级研究员。2008年-2014年,任美国Tri Alpha Energy 新型核聚变能源研究开发公司首席实验科学家、实验运行部主任。2010年-2013年任中科院等离子体物理研究所托卡马克室主任。2014年-2018 年任 ITER ITPA-DSOL主席。2014年-至今,担任中美磁约核聚变合作美方负责人。郭后扬教授现主要从事托卡马克偏滤器等离子体物理研究,共发表300余篇论文,其中多篇论文发表在国际顶级物理杂志Nature phys, Physical Review Letters, Nature Communications上。


内容简介: Anew small angle slot (SAS) divertor concept has been developed to enhanceneutral cooling across the divertor target by coupling a closed slot structurewith appropriate target shaping. Initial tests on DIII-D find a stronginterplay between such anticipated ‘SAS’ effects and cross-field drifts.Thisoffers the following key improvements relative to DIII-D’s open lower divert...