

  • 开始时间:2023-07-06 14:00:00
  • 活动地点:海山楼二楼报告厅
  • 主讲人:Jamie Vicary


<p>In providing an understanding of the way physical systems interact, category theory draws closely on mathematics and computer science as well as physics. The unifying language of categories accentuates connections between its subjects. In particular, all physical systems are really quantum system, including those in computer science. This talk will first provide the basic notions from category theory, linear algebra and quantum theory that we will be using, and further introduce the recent developments in our research, including complexity-theoretic aspects of geometrical techniques, quantum combinatorics, powerful application in the area of quantum dynamics and the topological quantum field theory. If time allows, I will provide an overview of our research projects and grants, discuss our Postdoc and PhD programs, and answer questions from students. 报告时间:7月6日(周四,part1)14:00-16:00、7月7日(周五,part2)14:00-16:00</p>


Jamie Vicary现为剑桥大学教授,Royal Society University Research Fellow,先后在伯明翰大学理论计算机科学研究组、牛津大学量子计算组和新加坡量子技术中心从事博士后研究。主要研究方向为基于范畴论的未来计算方法,包括几何高级范畴论、几何演算复杂度分析、量子组合、量子系统动力学等。出版《Categories for Quantum Theory: An Introduction》一书。