

  • 开始时间:网上投稿
  • 活动地点:无中生有的宇宙
  • 主讲人:于雪克


Ph.D. MIT 1974,  B.Sc. Caltech 1970

Experience :2011-2016 Director, Jockey Club Institute for Advanced Study,

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

2007-2013 Horace White Professor of Physics, Cornell University

1987-2007 Professor of Physics, Cornell University

1980-1987 Senior Research Associate, Cornell University

1978-1980 Research Associate, Cornell University

1977-1978 Research Associate, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

1974-1977 Research Associate, SLAC, Stanford University

Present positions:

2015-     IAS Professor, Jockey Club Institute for Advanced Study, HKUST

2013-     Horace White Professor of Physics, Emeritus, Cornell University

2011-   Chair Professor of Physics, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Research Interests:

Primary research interest is in elementary particle theory, including topics such as high energy phenomena, interface between particle physics and cosmology and superstring theory. Present research interest includes the origin of the universe, cosmic superstrings, dark energy and baryon number violation.

Community Service:

International Advisory Committee (2015-present)

CEPC (Circular 100 km Collider of Positrons and Electrons)

Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS, Beijing

International Advisory Committee (2016 - present)

National Center of Theoretical Sciences, Taiwan

Board of Trustee (2015-present), Institute of Advanced Study

Technical University of Munich, Germany

中国科学院率先行动“百人计划”学术帅才国际通讯评审专家 (2014- present)

Scientific Council (2018-present)

International Center of Theoretical Physics-Asia Pacific (UNESCO)

University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing



Education :  Ph.D. MIT 1974,  B.Sc. Caltech 1970 Experience :2011-2016 Director, Jockey Club Institute forAdvanced Study, Hong KongUniversity of Science and Technology 2007-2013Horace White Professor of Physics, Cornell University 1987-2007Professor of Physics, Cornell University 1980-1987Senior Research Associate, Cornell University 1978-1980Research Associate, Cornell Uni...