韩国科学技术院Hong-Young Chang教授学术报告


  • 开始时间:网上投稿
  • 活动地点:韩国 科学技术 科学 技术 教授 学术报告 学术 报告 HongYoung Chang
  • 主讲人:宋远红


Hong-Young Chang教授于1986年在美国University of Iowa毕业获理学博士学位,现为韩国高等科学技术研究院(KAIST)物理系教授,曾担任该校物理系主任。主要从事低温等离子体物理、等离子体诊断、等离子体处理等方面的研究工作,在国际著名学术期刊上发表论文100多篇。

The CO2 capture and storage technology (CCS technology) needs immediate action, but does not have complete solutions yet due to the lack of efficient and economical CO2 conversion ideas. The governing fundamental quantities will be identified to obtain the maximum energy efficiency and capacity for CO2 dissociation. Several CO2 conversion ideas will be introduced, describing the advantages and disadvantages of each conversion techniques.

The plasma reactor has been known as one of the most promising candidate for CO2 dissociation. However, the problems on how to achieve high efficiency, stable discharge at atmospheric pressure, and reliability at high power density have been remained to be solved. An high power ICP(Inductively coupled plasma) source will be introduced along with other sources such as microwave, DBD( Dielectric barrier discharge), and DC for the efficient CO2 dissociation.

In this presentation, the large scale fine dust removal experiment also will be discussed.


Hong-Young Chang教授于1986年在美国University of Iowa毕业获理学博士学位,现为韩国高等科学技术研究院(KAIST)物理系教授,曾担任该校物理系主任。主要从事低温等离子体物理、等离子体诊断、等离子体处理等方面的研究工作,在国际著名学术期刊上发表论文100多篇。 The CO2 capture and storage technology (CCS technology) needs immediate action, but does not have complete solutions yet due to the lack of effic...